Who are we ?
Dadier is a simplified joint stock company, with a capital of €1,800,000, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under the number 482 113 982, with its head office at 113 boulevard Sebastopol - 75002 Paris, France.
The director of the publication is Anne Marie Elbaze, legal representative of Dadier.
How are your data used?
All the information in your account is only used in the context of your commercial relationship with www.ange-eshop.com. This means that we only use it to solve problems or to manage your registration, your orders, answer your questions and send you personalized communications if you have subscribed.
Here are the main data used:
- Your identification data (name, first name, language and country)
- Your economic and payment information (payment data, information on your purchases, orders and returns
- Your connection, geolocation and navigation data
- Your commercial information data (email address)
Finally, your banking information is never in our possession. The transactions are entirely processed by the secure payment module of our partner Click&Pay by Crédit du Nord and Paypal.
Are your data shared?
This information is never shared with third parties or resold. This data may be processed on our behalf by technical service providers.
What are your rights?
You have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal data. Do not hesitate to contact us at the following email address for more information: sav@angefashion.com or via our "contact us" page
What is the cookies policy?
The An'ge website hosted under Prestashop 1.7 uses cookies (connection cookies) which the user is informed of when he/she arrives on the website and which allow to record information related to the navigation of the computer on the website. These cookies are installed only after acceptance by the user, the continuation of the navigation on the website being worth acceptance.
The user can oppose the use of these cookies by setting his browser, knowing that access to certain services may require prior acceptance by the user of cookies. For more information, you can consult the page of the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties: https://www.cnil.fr/fr/cookies-et-autres-traceurs/comment-se-proteger/maitriser-votre-navigateur
In accordance with the provisions of the law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, the files and freedoms, the site was the subject of a declaration with the CNIL (National Commission Data processing and Freedoms).
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